The Play From Grave

Theater seats were full,
of emptiness it flows
of dark it fades

"the tray was brought down one to serve the guest,
from the kingdom of ember..", said the honestly one that falls in

then, surely it started a big intro of the death orchestra that leads it down to a break

we, up here, will never have the guts to be with them
watching the play from the dead's

forgive the happiness from the bad's
that closed our hearts, and be taken away from goodness..
we'll blame it later...
but can't fix it later...
we'll only regret it later...
and we will play ...
the play from the grave..

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What's in Boy-Girl Confersation

sometimes boy likes to say things....
never think of it
just say...
but there are some girls to be...
like boy infinite, it was horrible...
never been there, a girl to stage down sentences

then if she didn't come to fix...
world will be broken into half parts of girls and boys
not to mention who'll get the biggest part of universe, will be boys...
though they have least of in persons...
some are just selfish...
but some wasn't...
some just wanna be back with their spouse....
like some girls....

but that'll be a different case...

like to show one:

Girl : "Wanna know a secret?"
Boy : "hmm?"
Girl : "I LOVE YOU..."
Boy : "I LOVE YOU too..."
Girl : "But with this i'll go on.... with out you though...
so once again... I LOVE YOU..."
Boy : "I LOVE YOU too...."

to look what's that above,
we have to be brakeful...
to see the same case of heart murder
and to live with it in the rest of life....

so blame them who ruined it...
blame people with cold heart...
now they're already in turn to demons
wanna know what they have done?

they brake up, they divorce, they compare, the dumped... and broke with a thunder fight..
they ruined it...
they broke it...

no more hope...
no more faith...
no more...

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Dark Avenue

Sometimes feels wrong...
with nothing through, to be crossed..
Nothing in this baron road will be a way...
to find the avenue.., to another case of widow...
it wasn't tasted for long but been feel by my tongue
horrible to say but..., the taste of death
i felt it
it's not a white box with lies
so no lies will be broken...
but deep blue sea can't lie to the world
if the king of evil has written the truth of peoples life
but avoiding it was just to hard...
so many just go through...
with eyes closed...
some pray...
for others that is right to be passed

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window and branches

days by days
many things happened in an imaginary way...
in my mind it was happening...
not out of the order of the world...
it was searching indeed looking in my head
some was believing before suddenly came a storm of dignity
it was supposed to make them know how to stand informality
make it flew away before time crashes the universe of my mind...
and i will say,
i was not created to be this!
i screamed in me
sighs.... with a little of tear drops...
i'm done...
i said
to them who sees...
that think life is forever...
just look through the window and you'll see
how life is like branches

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Forever To Be Realesed

shadows of unknown creature walks by through the wind
screeching, creeping whispers blows under me ears
the remain that said of which way to believe

some time it does defines faith,
but sometimes it's the way to visit the dark side of me
that ruins all of the trusted suit case,
that have the future thoughts in needed

from east to west
i was tracing for long in time
but everything vanished
on one simple but hard in the same time,
it's the way to be released
i'm not forbidden...
and so my soul....
but i'm not given, to be the one to keep secrets
i was keeping it forever...
but it was just to be released

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